Prayer Ministry

People of prayer are people who are convinced that God knows our deepest needs and longings, and that God hears us when we pray and responds to us…though not always in the ways we expect!

In Jeremiah 29:12 God makes this promise: “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you.” Like a loving parent, God loves when we come honestly with whatever is on our minds and hearts, asking for God’s presence, guidance, and care. Jesus also encourages his disciples to come boldly with our requests: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).

However, prayer is not like simply picking from a menu, as if it is simply telling God “I want you to do this” and it will be done. Instead, prayer is borne out of a living and trusting relationship with God. It is a two-way conversation that involves both speaking and listening to what God might want to say to us. As we start to let go of our attachments to our own specific desired outcomes (not an easy thing!), we are more open to God’s good desires for us and the inner transformation that comes when we invest time in our relationship with God. Prayer might even look like spending extended time in silence, simply enjoying and resting in God’s loving presence– no words needed.

Bloomington Covenant Church is a place and a people of prayer. If you desire people to pray for you and with you, know that this is a steady practice among the people of this church. Here are some settings you might consider joining:

Prayer Group
First Monday of the month, 10am in the Prayer Room 

Open to all! Come as you are and we’ll enter into prayer together. Pastor Anna will be leading guided prayer and reflection, as well as facilitating open time for group prayer. No expectations; just come and be in God’s presence.

Prayer Retreats
Retreats are an opportunity to be intentional about listening to God’s voice in your life. There will be optional meeting points throughout the day and resources for prayer provided, but the hope is for you to connect with God in whatever ways are most needed. Check the church calendar for upcoming retreat dates.