About Us

Bloomington Covenant Church (BCC) is a collection of people from little ones to older ones who are seeking to grow in faith as followers of Jesus Christ. We are at all stages along the spectrum of faith, from those just beginning to learn about Jesus to those who have been committed to faith for decades. We try to do this in cross-generational ways so we can both learn from each other and learn about each other. We want you to know that you are welcome at BCC. You can simply come as you are.

Two great entry points are Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. We gather on Sundays at 10am for worship in the sanctuary, which lasts about one hour, with coffee before and after worship. Wednesday evening is when our BCov Kids (age 3-5th grade), Youth Group (grades 6-12), Worship Team, Choir and a rotation of Adult Ministries happen from 6:30 – 7:30pm. (September – April)

We post Sunday sermons under the media tab. This gives a glimpse into the preaching ministry of BCC. Check out our Facebook page as well.

We have a ministry called Closet of Hope through which people in need of clothing are invited to shop (at no cost) for what is most needed. Generally, Closet of Hope is open on the last Saturday morning of each month, although the schedule sometimes moves to another Saturday due to holidays. We serve people from Bloomington and Richfield and registration is required. Please contact us if you want more information – Church Office: (952)831-8339 or office@bcov.org.

We are a church of small groups, mentoring ministries, Bible studies, music, community involvement, children and family events, and more. We do all of this out of the love of Christ and as a reflection of our Mission Statement: “Loving God and Loving Others; Serving God through Serving Others.”

We are part of a network of churches nationally and globally called the Evangelical Covenant Church. To find out more about our denomination see www.covchurch.org.

Central to our life together are six affirmations:

    • We affirm the centrality of God’s Word
    • We affirm the necessity of new birth through Jesus Christ
    • We affirm a commitment to the whole mission of the Church
    • We affirm the Church as a fellowship of believers
    • We affirm a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit
    • We affirm the reality of freedom in Christ

We strive for these to be not simply words but life, putting them into practice as broadly and continually as we can.

As you page through this website you will find more detailed information about who we are. Explore, learn more, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would simply like to talk. Know that you are welcome at Bloomington Covenant Church.