Donations of clean, gently used seasonal clothing for all ages, shoes, boots, jackets, bedding, towels, diapers and toiletries are accepted on
WEDNESDAYS ONLY from 4:30 – 6:00 pm.
Volunteers will be here to help unload your vehicles at the main entrance.
Thanks so much for your support of this ministry!
We offer in person shopping once per month with 1 adult per family to shop.
If you have 4 or more children you can bring a helper who is 16 yrs or older.
Registration is online and will open on the 1st of each month.
Guests can contact for the link.
Registration closes by the 10th of each month,
however it will close earlier if it fills quickly.
Our shopping groups are at 8:30, 9:05, 9:35 and 10:05am. We cannot guarantee your first choice but will do our best. Dawn will text you on the 10th of the month with your shopping time. There is a space for prayer requests.
Please let us know how we can be praying for you.
On opening day please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for check-in and announcements. You will enter and exit at the main doors of the church.
We look forward to serving your family!
Rules for check-in and shopping:
- Please come 15 minutes prior to your shopping time slot.
- At check-in, please have your ID showing Bloomington or Richfield residency. (If you have recently moved you must have a utility bill with your name on it.)
- If you are new, please bring in a photo ID, proof of residency and birth certificates or passports for each child.
- Each guest will receive a shopping ticket and will have 25 minutes to shop.
- You can take 20 items per person. Some items are limited such as 1 pair of shoes per person, 1 set of diapers per family, etc. There are signs above the items that are limited.
- If you are feeling ill, please have another family member shop for you.
Contact with any questions.
Mission Statement: “In the spirit of God’s love, we seek to care for others in a non-judgmental environment by providing clean, gently used clothing to people in need in our community.”
The Closet of Hope is a free clothing store that is available for anyone in need who live in Bloomington and Richfield (ID required, birth certificates for children). Our shelves and racks are filled with clothing for all ages, footwear, coats, bedding and towels. Our guests will be allowed to take 20 items per person. ( A family of 4 can take 80 items.)
Leviticus 25:35- “Suppose one of your own people becomes poor. And suppose he cannot take care of himself. Then help him just as you would an outsider or someone who is living among you for a while. In that way, the man who is poor can continue to live among you.”